Please note that payment will be available once your purchase has been shipped by the shop where you bought it.

As we want to make paying as convenient and easy as possible, you have two different ways to pay:

1. Pay by bank transfer

To pay by bank transfer, you’ll need the payment details, which you can find either in the emails we’ve sent to you or in your Zinia account. In the latter case, log in to your account and click on the “Pay” icon on the order details page or in your purchases overview, then select the bank transfer option.

As stated in the emails sent, please remember to put the payment reference in the description field and the total amount in the transfer details. This will help us to identify your payment. In the event you want to pay for several different orders, please remember to pay each invoice separately with the corresponding payment reference, so that it can be linked to the correct order.

2. Pay by card

You’ll soon also be able to pay by card. To do that, log in to your Zinia account via the app or website, go the corresponding Order Details section or Overview, click on the “Pay” icon and then select the card option.

Don’t forget that you can pay for you order as soon as it has been shipped by the store.

Let’s start with dessert!

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